Umbrella Insurance Policy

Umbrella insurance policies are the right choice to include the protection you need when limits from other policies have been reached. Coverage for liability exposures over and above homeowners insurance, auto insurance, rental / vacation properties and watercraft insurance will be assured when choosing a personal umbrella policy.

Benefits of an Unmbrella Insurance Policy Include:

Stand alone policies

Limits from $1M - $10M available

Buffer layers available for underlying limits below $1M

Eligible for youthful drivers and adverse driving activity

Markets for Excess Umbrellas available

When Should You Consider Purchasing a Policy?

Your assets are greater than your insurance liability limits

You are financially responsible for children

You frequently host guests on your property

Your residence includes a swimming pool

You own watercraft or off-road vehicles

You own rental or vacation properties

You participate in volunteer activities

You desire a high limit of additional protection at a low cost

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